Low Income Housing: A Good Legal Option for Seniors-an AOK Seminar
/The North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging is excited to announce a new seminar as part of our Answers for Older Kansans program.
Low Income Housing: A Good Legal Option for Seniors will be presented by Paul Shipp, Managing Attorney at Kansas Legal Services, on Thursday, April 29th at 5:30 pm by Zoom. The seminar will cover why low income housing is a good option for seniors, especially those living on a fixed income. Paul will discuss the public policy behind low income housing, why it is a good choice for seniors who are struggling to live independently and how choosing it deliberately can often help the individual live independently longer and avoid going to a nursing home sooner. Paul will also talk about the rights a senior has in low income housing and how those rights prevent a landlord from arbitrarily evicting them.
Registration is available at www.ncfhaaa.com/seminars or by calling 1-800-432-2730.
Paul Shipp will be presenting a different Zoom seminar each month on a variety of legal topics that are important for seniors and Kansans living with disabilities. Watch our website, social media, field announcements and the Caregiver Newsletter for more information.
Detailed instructions on how to participate in Zoom technology are available at www.ncfhaaa.com/seminars and login instructions will be sent to those who register. There is no cost for participating; voluntary contributions are appreciated and accepted.
The North Central-Flint Hills Agency on Aging, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that plans, coordinates and provides services in 18 north central Kansas counties to enhance the quality and dignity of life for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and their families. Area Agency on Aging programs and services are partially funded by the Older Americans Act through the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services and voluntary participant contributions. The Area Agency on Aging works in partnership with local and county governments and senior citizens’ groups. All services are available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Image courtesy of Sigmund on Unsplash