National Family Caregivers Month: A Caregiver Talk Show
/November is National Family Caregivers Month, and this year the theme is “Caregiving Happens.” Sometimes we have to provide caregiving when we least expect it. This can happen during a meeting, at the grocery store, or on the way out the door. It’s important to recognize that people may have to stop what they’re doing to provide caregiving for a loved one during some of the most inconvenient times.
The November Caregiver Talk Show on Wednesday, November 9th at noon focuses on National Caregivers Month, and will featuring a panel of caregivers discussing their experiences, the challenges they faced, and the tips they have for those who are trying to navigate the role of a caregiver.
To register, people may go to or call 1-800-432-2703. The link to the Zoom event will be sent to each participant prior to the seminar. There will also be two locations available to attend in-person: the Manhattan Public Library at 629 Poyntz Ave, and the Emporia Public Library at 110 E 6th Ave.
Caregiver Talk Shows are a regular series of outreach events to provide news and tools for those caring for loved ones, and the talk shows are generally scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Each call features an expert or group of experts in a topic of interest to caregivers. If you would like information on future topics and our Caregiver Newsletter, please let us know.
For more information about the Caregiver Talk Shows, to reserve your place or to connect to available services, call the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) at 800-432-2703 or go to
Image courtesy of Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash