You Are Invited to Older Kansans Day, Feb 11

Plan now to join your Area Agency friends at our Older Kansans Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 11th. This is a great day to tell leaders about the important services provided to seniors, people living with disabilities, and caregivers. Activities begin at 8 am on the second floor of the Capitol rotunda.

Registration is now open. The only cost for the event is $10 per person for the luncheon, plus any voluntary contribution attendees can make to help defray costs.

Last year, more than 70 Kansans participated in Older Kansans Day at the Statehouse, attended legislative hearings, and visited with legislators and officials throughout the day.

View of the Dome inside the Rotunda at the Kansas State House in Topeka (2008, by aviper2k7 at, cc by-sa 3.0)