Senior Farmers' Market Voucher Applications are Here!
/Kansans age 60 or over who meet income guidelines and who shop in farmers’ markets in Kansas can boost their health and their wallets thanks to a program that provides money through vouchers to qualified older Kansans.
The North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) is happy to announce that applications for the Kansas Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (KSFMNP) are now available and will be accepted until September 15th. This popular program provides $35 in vouchers to Kansans age 60 or better who meet income guidelines. Vouchers can be used to purchase fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally-grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from participating vendors at local farmers’ markets.
Those who wish to apply for the $35 vouchers—or to find out if they qualify—should contact the NC-FH AAA at 785-776-9294 or 800-432-2703. Applications for this program are also available online at
To qualify, an applicant must be age 60 or older and have an annual gross income at or below $23,828—which is $1,986 per month. Vouchers are distributed on a first-come, first- served basis and may be used at participating markets until November 1, 2021. Eligible Kansans may shop at any participating farmers’ markets in Kansas with the vouchers.
“The Kansas Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program is a great way for older Kansans to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets—and is a fantastic way to support local farmers and farmers’ markets, too,” said Julie Govert Walter, Executive Director of the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA). “We’re delighted to work with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and other Kansas Area Agencies on Aging on this initiative,” she said.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment wants to expand this program to other counties, since it boosts the success of farmers markets while improving nutrition of people in the county. Farmers interested in accepting vouchers should contact Kansas Department of Health and Environment Nutrition Program at 785-296-8060.
For more information about Senior Farmers’ Market Vouchers or to request an application call the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) at (800) 432-2703 or go to
Image courtesy of Shelley Pauls on Unsplash